Alex's Bar in Long Beach

Donkey photo booth, raffle prizes, and a bar what more could you ask for?  The night started off with a last minute build at the shop this time we weren't working on a bike it was a backdrop for a photo booth with a donkey and some cacti.  This event was for 5 teams of local guys that are headed to mexico in a couple of months to participate in the NORRA 1000 race.  Nate and viet are representing us here at BA-MOTO, Julian is representing team #517, John Crain and Greaser spivey are showing for NLAMC, and last but not least there is team hell on wheels.  The first three are riding this event solo, team NLAMC has 2 riders being John and Greaser,  Team Hell on Wheels consists of Hayden, Eric and a couple of other riders.  These guys are gonna need every bit of help throughout this ride.

Alex's Bar in Long Beach
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